This is a demostration map created with ImageMap. Click somewhere inside the imagemap to jump to the corresponding anchor. It's of course possible to link to another document or site.


This is how the HTML code for the imagemap above looks like:

<IMG SRC="pics/ImageMapDemo.png" WIDTH="384" HEIGHT="291" USEMAP="#DEMONAME">
<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="131,200,131,200,90,180,90,149,119,130,141,150,181,129,200,169,201,190" HREF="#blackpoly" ALT="">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="210,130,311,201" HREF="#viorect" ALT="">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="20,129,80,200" HREF="#bluerect" ALT="">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="90,210,200,270" HREF="#yellowrect" ALT="">
<AREA SHAPE=CIRCLE COORDS="50,240,31" HREF="#pinkcirc" ALT="">
<AREA SHAPE=CIRCLE COORDS="140,70,51" HREF="#orangecirc" ALT="">
<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="210,261,210,261,210,210,293,210" HREF="#redpoly" ALT="">
<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="209,270,209,270,310,210,311,270" HREF="#bluepoly" ALT="">
<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="220,120,220,120,210,111,210,48,241,20,309,40,310,110,262,120,240,70,260,50,281,80,249,92,261,120" HREF="#holepoly" ALT="">
<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="50,121,50,121,19,122,19,19,80,19,70,58,80,90" HREF="#greenpoly" ALT="">

Click inside the map above to jump to one of the following lines.

You clicked on the black polygon. TOP

You clicked on violett rectangle. TOP

You clicked on the blue rectangle. TOP

You clicked on the yellow rectangle. TOP

You clicked on the pink circle. TOP

You clicked on the orange circle. TOP

You clicked on the red polygon. TOP

You clicked on the blue polygon. TOP

You clicked on the grey polygon with the hole. TOP

You clicked on the green polygon. TOP